متن استاتیک شماره 4 موجود نیست
Introducing the Science and Technology Capacities of
the Country to Foreign Partners
Introducing the country's technological achievements to other countries is necessary to provide a true picture of the science and technology status and strengthen science and technology diplomacy. However, until the recent years, there was no English collection of the mention achievements that could be presented in international events.
In this regard, the Center for Progress and Development of Iran, with the history of activities in the field of science and technology and communication with major players of this field in the country, while collecting relevant information, has compiled and distributed them in a report to present to foreign audiences.
Presenting the history and background, policies and strategies, capacities and capabilities, main players and areas of interest for international cooperation are among the items that can create a good picture of the country's potential in various fields.
Download Science and Technology in Iran; A Brief Review