شعار سال

Assisting in the Creation and Development of Advanced Industrial Services and Equipment Network


      One of the most important obstacles to the exchanges in the field of industrial services and equipment is the lack of knowledge and adequate access to capable enterprises and knowledge-based companies in this field. In many cases, due to lack of comprehensive information about the market, the applicant for advanced service or equipment cannot find the service providers or manufacturers of the desired equipment in the country and therefore is forced to meet their needs from abroad.


     So, there are several technology companies with different capabilities in the country that for various reasons, especially the lack of information infrastructure of the capabilities of each, so far have not been able to identify each other.


    In addition, establishing trust-building mechanisms between technology companies to secure transactions is essential for the development of technology exchanges. If such a platform is provided to focus and facilitate interactions between technology companies, it will be possible to consolidate their capabilities and create and develop endogenous technologies and products needed by the country, as well as the growth and maturity of these companies.


    However, Providing of such a platform requires the creation of an intermediary institution to facilitate the networking of technical requirements for technological services and products.